With the advent of globalization, there are various companies which are working in India. This trend has also, given rise to several lucrative employment opportunities to several people. With the arrival of MNCs, the concept of office buildings has also, changed significantly.
Nutritionist Avni Kaul says nowadays the employees are working in such buildings where there is hardly any chance for the entrance of sunlight. Also, employees are supposed to stay inside from 09:00 AM to 07:00 PM, because of rigorous working hours and generally when they come out when the sun starts to set or already gets set.
All these factors are making people prone to lack of Vitamin D deficiency. These days you might see yourself or others suffering from many issues such as bone and back pain, often getting sick, loss of hair, muscular pain, impaired wound healing, and depression.
These are all happening because of your lack of exposure to proper sunlight. On an average one must get at least 15 to 20 minutes of exposure under the sunlight. A maximum natural source of Vitamin D one gets from sunlight.
In this article, Delhi’s top nutritionist and wellness coach Avni Kaul shares some tips to get vitamin D if you are a corporate professional.
What Employees Can Do To Improve Their Intake Of Vitamin D?
· Arrange team meetings in an open space outside. Besides helping you get more vitamin D, these meetings could be more interesting just because of the change in the environment and venue. It can help your employees being more alert and excited.
· Have your lunch outside. Particularly, the winter season is the perfect time to enjoy hot meals in the sun. Carry your lunch boxes to an open terrace or any space outside to enjoy yourself and get some vitamin D.
· Attend your work calls outdoors whenever possible. If you have a long call to make, take it outdoors. It will not only aid you to increase your vitamin D intake but will have the extra benefit of light exercise if you walk around.
· Take a walk for a few minutes outside your office during office hours.
· Exercise outside before going to the office. Wake up a bit early and enjoy a pleasant morning walk before getting ready for the office. The sun will help you get vitamin D while the walk will wake you up and make you feel more energetic.
In case you are unable to do the above-mentioned things owing to various issues you can also, avail vitamin D sourced from various foods and supplements as well.
Here, are some of them.
Cow Milk
Having one glass of cow milk in the daily diet will provide 20% of your daily requirement of vitamin, D. Cow milk is a great source of vitamin D and calcium. Ensure you drink full-fat milk as it has the maximum vitamin D content in it.
Orange Juice
There is another reason to drink orange juice. Yes, orange juice has a good amount of vitamin D and vitamin C. It is also one of the best fruit juices, which is filled with various health-benefitting properties. Having a glass of fresh orange juice in breakfast is the ideal way to kick-start your day. However, always go for fresh orange juice and avoid buying packed orange juices.
Similarly, like most of the whole grains, oatmeal is also a great source of vitamin D. Besides this, oats are packed with essential minerals and vitamins and complex carbs, which are needed by our body to stay healthy and in shape.
Egg Yolk
Egg yolk is yet another fabulous source of vitamin D. The yolk may give extra calories and fat but it also contains all the required nutrients, including protein and good carbs. Make sure you do not consume more than one egg’s yolk in a day. Egg yolk is yet another rich source of vitamin D. The yolk may come with extra calories and fat but it also contains all the essential nutrients, including protein and good carbs. Make sure you do not eat more than one egg’s yolk in a day.