Losing or reducing weight is not as easy as it appears, specially if you want to maintain a healthy mind and body while doing it. There are no short cuts towards a healthy lifestyle, which is why it is always advised against following fad diets that are extremely calorie-restrictive in nature. These fads could harm your health in the long term and this is why healthy weight loss needs hard work and commitment. To achieve weight loss in a healthy way, you need to follow a balanced diet and exercise regularly which will lead you towards your goal slowly but effectively. In this blog, Delhi’s leading Weight Loss Nutritionist Avni Kaul talks about some of the healthy diet facts to keep in mind if you want to lose weight.
Diet is as Important As Exercise
If you want to lose weight, exercise alone will not help you. You will have to follow a disciplined diet as well. Eating a healthy diet is essential to make sure you’re getting sufficient nutrients to work out properly. These include proteins, good carbohydrates, healthy fats as well as minerals and vitamins, which are vital for boosting your exercising abilities as well as help in muscle recovery.
Reducing Sugar Works
When it about losing weight, sugar can be an obstacle. Added sugar in your diet can get in through dips and ketchup, packaged fruit juices, soft drinks, cakes, and cookies. All of them can set your weight loss goals back. These are also linked with higher risks of obesity, and diabetes.
Vegetables and Fruits are Vital
Vegetables and fruits are vital for weight loss. They provide sufficient fiber and nutrition in fewer calories. Vegetables and fruits are filling, because of the high-fiber and water content which keep you from snacking quite often or eating unhealthy food. Swapping the junk foods with vegetables can also leave you feeling more energetic for workouts.
Drink Water
Drinking adequate water at certain times during the day and in proper amounts daily can give your weight loss goals a boost. Drinking water before meals, for instance, can make you eat lesser. Keeping yourself hydrated can boost the metabolism helping your body burn calories more efficiently.
**This article has been written by team Nutri Activania**
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