Weight loss needs the consumption of restricted calories. You require to burn more calories than you are having for effective weight loss. Planning your meals beforehand can assist you to monitor the number of calories you are consuming every meal.
Nutritionist Avni Kaul says if you are attempting to lose weight you need to be quite careful about what you are having for breakfast. Consuming the right breakfast can assist in effective weight loss. It can manage your hunger throughout the day.
But are you aware of the best time to have breakfast?
In this article, Delhi’s best Nutritionist and Dietician Avni Kaul talks about what is the best time to have breakfast for weight loss and the best breakfast options. Here they are.
Which Is The Ideal Time To Have Breakfast For Weight Loss?
Breakfast means to break 10 hours fasting, i.e. if an individual is eating dinner by 9:00 PM he or she will break their fast after 10-12 hours by having his breakfast at 9:00 AM. Breakfast is the most vital part of the meal and the body ingests nutrients quicker and better because the body will be wanting more energy. Breakfast ideally should be between 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM or within two hours once you get up in the morning.
To begin your day a high protein breakfast is always best for weight loss because it lowers the risk of accumulation of fat in your body and high protein make you feel full all through the day.
A specific quantity of carbohydrate is also important that will give energy for day-long activities.
Besides, consuming wholesome breakfast can assist you to have a healthy weight loss. You must need to bear in mind that the best time to have breakfast is within 2 hours after getting up.
Breakfast helps in lowering appetite. Having breakfast as the first and foremost thing in the morning hugely reduces hunger and urges throughout the day. Additionally, it also assists in preventing various diseases.
Some Of The Best Breakfast Options For Weight Loss
- Vegetable oats with soya milk.
- Multigrain vegetable sandwich.
- Sprouts Cheela.
- Vegetable poha or quinoa with toned milk.
For an optimal result when looking to shed weight maintaining a proper timetable is essential. And a timely breakfast at the start of the day goes a long way in achieving the desired goal of reducing weight.