Do you know anyone who wants to fall over, crying out in pain from how terrible their stomach feels at the moment? No one? Right, exactly. Stomach aches are unpleasant, specially when you are supposed to be enjoying a long weekend.
It is quite troublesome when you have eaten your favorite meals or dish but after that, you have ended up having all sorts of stomach related discomfort.
This blog by India’s eminent Nutritionist and Dietician Avni Kaul focuses on essential foods that can help if one consistently suffers from stomach ailments.
Bananas were what your mother encouraged you to eat when your stomach was hurting as children. Bananas give your body some much-required electrolytes to whip your GI tract back into shape. This fruit also provides potassium to aid your stomach when it has been ravaged by diarrhea or vomiting.
Apples are helpful when you are constipated. The skin of an apple is replete with pectin which adds necessary roughage to help the bowel movement. Apples are a rich source of calcium, magnesium, and potassium. These alkalizing minerals could help relieve symptoms of acid reflux. Acid reflux happens when stomach acid rises into the esophagus.
Many regard ginger as a superfood for it has been famous for its herbal remedies for centuries. Adding ginger to your tea or simply chewing it can help one alleviate nausea that has happened because of an upset stomach. Ginger is a very effective treatment for some sort of stomach upset. A natural anti-inflammatory, ginger is present in several forms, all of which can help. Ginger can be taken raw and with a beverage.
Plain Potatoes
Potatoes when baked, work just like bananas, for they help make up the potassium depletion and soothe your stomach after an upset.
Soup Broth
When eating solid things become a challenge during a stomach ache, clear liquids are preferable. And clear soup broth, as compared to rich and creamy soups such as clam chowder, helps one keep hydrated when your body is feeling low.
Coconut Water
Similar to bananas, each bottle of coconut water is packed with electrolytes your body is missing thanks to a particular achy feeling. Coconut water is rich in potassium which will help in making sure that your hydration levels are up to the mark.
Papayas are packed with an enzyme called papain which helps digestion. By promoting a healthy acidic atmosphere, eating papaya also helps with constipation. The enzymes papain, a natural digestive enzyme that breaks up foods irritating the stomach, and chymopapain, which helps break down proteins and relieves the stomach by promoting a healthy acidic environment.
Make sure to drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins trying to dampen your health further. Drinking sufficient water will ensure your body maintains the water level that is needed. Pay close attention to your body when feeling thirsty, and have a glass of water, instead of soda. Carbonation at times causes stomach pain as the fizz can lead to gas.
**This article has been written by team Nutri Activania**
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