Daily Steps to Achieve Sustainable Weight Loss

sustainable weight loss steps avni kaul

Shares Dietician Avni Kaul

There is no one formula for weight loss that is successful for everyone, dietician Avni says. Certain people benefit from having multiple smaller meals, while others do well with three big meals. Some avail benefits from low-carbohydrate diets, while others require a higher-carbohydrate diet.

What works for an individual will not necessarily work for the other, so it might take a bit of trial and error to see what works best for you. It is very important, says Avni, to listen to your body’s cues. Knowing when you are hungry or full,  which foods you crave (because that is part of keeping yourself satisfied), and which foods make you feel at your best, are all part of solving your personal weight-loss jigsaw.

Working with a professional dietitian is the quickest way to get a customized weight-loss program. If that is not what you are comfortable with, listen to your body’s feedback — it knows what method is best for you. Also, as long as you are managing your basics (sleep, stress, mindset) and your calorie balance, you may experiment and make adjustments to find out the right formula.

The important thing is to not be too rigid with yourself till you get your perfect balance. India’s eminent weight loss dietician Avni Kaul says that you need to plan your diet that can last a few years and a  lifestyle you feel you can confidently stick to for the coming years.

For example, if you don’t think you can give up your favorite cookies and pasta for the next 10 years, then keto is not the right path for you. Find a diet plan that you can see yourself continuing once you reach your weight-loss target since this is what you will need to do to maintain your long-term weight loss.

Be kind to yourself for healthy, sustainable weight loss

Be compassionate and kind to yourself while you are on a weight-loss journey. It is not always going to be easy and that’s absolutely normal. When things do not go as planned, remind yourself that tomorrow is a new day and a new beginning.

Celebrate your victories — both scale and non-scale ones. Thank yourself for taking the empowering decision to alter your eating habits, and be proud of even the smallest decisions you make every day.

What is the definition of a healthy, sustainable rate of weight loss?

The textbook description of a healthy weight loss is approximately 0.907 kg per week. If you have less weight to lose, even losing half of the above number per week is a great accomplishment.

Keep in mind that weight loss is not always linear. So watch out for downward trends rather than exact figures. It is recommended to weigh yourself just once a week — at the same time, in the same location, and in the same clothes — to get the most accurate data. It could be helpful to see monthly rather than weekly weight loss since there could be plenty of variation from week to week.

Non-scale victories that show healthy, sustainable weight loss

Here is a certain method to measure progress beyond the scale. Celebrating these will help motivate you on your weight loss journey. 

Physical alterations: You may lose inches without the scale moving. So keep an eye on body measurements such as waist circumferences, body-fat percentage, and clothing size. It is also suggested to take weekly or monthly photographs since your physique could change if you are working out and forming muscle.

Other physical improvements from altering your diet and exercising more could include better sleep and digestion, and also clearer skin. If you are working out regularly or doing a new sort of activity, you might also notice improvements in your workout performance, such as being able to run faster or carrying heavier weights. It is empowering to take the attention off of what you appear like and think instead about how strong you are getting.

Emotional improvements: If you feel better emotionally, have enhanced energy and mental clarity, are being kinder to yourself, and have an enhanced relationship with your body and food, then you are definitely doing something right. Alteration in your daily habits: Doing more beneficial daily tasks such as meal planning, exercising, or prioritizing self-care are also indications that you are making progress. These habits will become part of your routine and reinforce your weight-loss success. Avoid these weight loss programs, when your aim is healthy, sustainable weight loss.

When opting for a healthy and sustainable weight loss avoid the following: 

Plans that contain a time frame: Any “20 or 30-day plans” or weight-loss programs that promise that you will “reduce weight fast” in a certain amount of time scream unsustainable weight loss, Avni warns. Sustained weight loss needs time and varies for everyone, so there must not be a definitive time frame fixed to it.

Plans that promote products: If a plan needs you to buy or eat specific products in an attempt to reduce weight, what happens when you stop using them? Remember the test we mentioned initially that includes several years. If you are not planning on using these products for the rest of your life, the plan is not sustainable.

Plans that are quite restrictive: Things such as juice or soup cleanses, detox teas, and two-week “clean eating” programs that eradicate complete food groups attract people in, since, they promise to work fast. While fad diets might work initially and help you shed a few kilos, they are not sustainable for the long term as you will gain the weight back.

Weight loss is not an easy process and it takes time, effort, and major lifestyle changes, says Avni Kaul. Merely a diet change is not enough.

If you are suffering from any specific disease, it is suggested not to start any diet regimen on your own. Seek a professional dietician’s help.

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