When it is time to get in shape and burn off some body fat, choosing the right foods to incorporate into your weight loss program proves critical. Even if an item seems healthy on surface, it may hold some nutritional secrets that obstruct weight loss around your midsection. When one has to devise a new weekly menu to burn fat, bananas are one of the ideal foods to reduce abdominal fat fast.
Well, there are a lot of reasons to love bananas, particularly when one needs to diet. The fruit contains a lower GI impact than several other fruits, gives a good amount of fiber to keep one feeling full, and provides the proper dose of vitamins and minerals without any fat. Eating bananas when you want to shed a few kilos off your midsection, and knowing exactly how they impact your body help you form the perfect attack strategy to lose abdominal fat.
India’s top dietician for weight loss, Avni Kaul, tells you how bananas can be handy when you want to lose unwanted midsection fat.
Avni says the following things may help you to reach your goal of losing abdominal fat.
Bananas improve your gut flora
When you want to watch your weight and burn off midsection fat, getting your internal flora balanced could start the complete weight loss journey correctly. Bananas help by introducing good bacteria to your stomach which gets your body prepared to reduce weight.
Bananas are rich in prebiotic fibers and have been seen to increase the number [of] bifidobacteria present in the gut. “Research indicates that healthy levels of bifidobacteria could aid in weight loss and enhance metabolic health.”

Helps curb cravings
When one works or lives in stressful surroundings, which is now the case with most people, the cortisol levels are high, which makes one crave sugar-dense food. This is one of the major reasons why people gain weight and eat too many sweets, candies, etc. Bananas help counter these cravings by providing the body with high Magnesium level that help control the stress levels along with making you feel full.
Improves your fibre consumption
You probably have heard that some extra fibre in your meals could help you shed some kilos. Bananas have a high fibre content which makes you feel full for a longer time and therefore prevents overeating.
Bananas are a good source of fibre. Each banana has a high amount compared with the number of calories. The body takes a long time to digest fibre which will help you to feel full for a longer time. Therefore, including plenty of fibre in your diet will prevent you from feeling hungry often and reduce the consumption of food.
Boost insulin sensitivity
You might have heard that a banana’s sugar content could do some damage, particularly when you need to cut extra carbohydrates out of your diet. While bananas do have some sugar, they also help enhance insulin sensitivity in dieters who do not have diabetes, making it a good deterrent to the disease while helping one achieve the nutritional balance one needs to reduce abdominal fat.
Bananas boost insulin sensitivity, which helps your body process glucose more efficiently, thus reducing weight. Bananas are a good source of resistant starch, which has a good impact on insulin resistance. Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2898027/
Makes your workout regimen simpler
Nothing can counter stomach fat like the proper set of physical exercises, but if you don’t supply your body with what it requires, your efforts will count for nothing. Thanks to bananas, you get the proper nutrition to keep your workout regimens moving and balanced, making sure of some positive results.
The workouts would be more efficient because of fewer muscle cramps. Muscle cramps could happen due to an electrolyte imbalance, particularly from potassium, and bananas are filled with this nutrient.
Curtail absorption of sugar
Whereas yellow bananas give certain benefits, unripe bananas help you more as you work on flattening your midsection
Unripe bananas are rich in resistant starch and low sugar. “The starch is resistant to [digestion] and works like fibre. It reduces the absorption of sugar as well. Therefore, it helps with weight loss.
The greener the banana, the higher the resistant starch content (it turns into simple sugars the way it ripens). The resistant starches help control carbohydrate metabolism-boosting blood sugar control and contribute towards digestive health as they feed the gut bacteria in your gut. You might also wish to know that green bananas could be a bit bitter and are certainly less sweet. Both green and ripe bananas have the same number of vitamins and minerals.