Health Benefits of Drinking Lassi in Indian Summer

health benefits drinking lassi indian summers
Lassi, a beloved traditional yogurt-based drink, originating from the Indian subcontinent, is a favorite among many across India. This timeless beverage is one of the best cooling summer drinks, packed with nutrients and vitamins that benefit your health. Lassi is typically made by blending dahi (yogurt) with water and adding a pinch of salt or sugar (avoid sugar if you are diabetic or overweight. Avoid salt if you have hypertension). To enhance its flavour, you can incorporate dry fruits, herbs, and other ingredients into your tall glass of lassi.
Often enjoyed during or after meals, lassi is known for its numerous health benefits, such as aiding digestion and boosting immunity. It provides your body with calcium, vitamin D, and various essential vitamins. Renowned Nutritionist and  Dietician for gastrointestinal health, Avni Kaul, shares some of the benefits of drinking lassi in this blog.

drinking lassi in summers health benefits Dietician tips

What are the possible health benefits of drinking lassi?

Aids Digestion – Lassi is light on the stomach and contains lactobacillus bacteria (beneficial bacteria that naturally reside in your digestive tract). These bacteria help lubricate the intestines, break down food, absorb nutrients, and aid in digestion. Additionally, lassi is believed to help prevent acids that cause indigestion and heartburn.
Prevents Stomach Problems – The beneficial bacteria in lassi can help inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in your gut, thus preventing stomach bloating, constipation, and other digestive issues.
Rich in Probiotics – Lassi is a fantastic source of probiotics, which promote a healthy balance of gut bacteria. Probiotics are also associated with improved weight loss, immune function, and more. They may help maintain heart health by lowering bad cholesterol and blood pressure.
Improves Bone Health – As a rich source of calcium, which is essential for lifelong bone health, lassi can help keep your bones strong and healthy. Studies have shown that calcium, along with vitamin D, may protect against several health conditions, including cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
Boosts Immunity – Lassi is rich in lactic acid and vitamin D, which can help fight various infections and diseases by maintaining a robust immune system. Vitamin D plays many crucial roles in the body, including regulating the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Therefore, adequate vitamin D intake may improve resistance to certain diseases and promote the growth and development of bones and teeth.
Good for Skin – Lassi is also an excellent natural anti-ageing drink. The lactic acid in lassi can help remove blemishes and improve skin texture, helping you maintain beautiful and youthful skin.

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