Diet Benefits of Khichdi – How it Can Help Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals

diet benefits of khichdi weight loss

Losing weight is never a simple task as it needs plenty of effort besides working out. From adding more fruits, vegetables, and nutrients to your diet, one needs to change one’s schedule too. One needs to add more nutrition while following a weight-loss diet. Khichdi is an Indian dish which helps you reduce weight while keeping you healthy says dietician Avni Kaul.

Khichdi is one of the most popular and nutritious Indian cuisines which is available around the year because of its variety. Khichdi is a staple diet for several households and could help you reduce weight.

Top Indian Dietician for weight loss Avni Kaul shares the reasons for including khichdi in your diet. It is suggested that eating a protein-rich diet is important during the weight loss journey. Khichdi is a healthy Indian dish as rice and lentils are a major source of protein when cooked together.

Simple to digest

Khichdi does not contain any spices and hence is soothing for the stomach. It eases digestion by being easy on your stomach and intestines.  Khichdi is mostly given to elders and infants as it is high in nutrients and is filling too.

Boosts immunity

Turmeric is an important part of Khichdi and it has anti-inflammatory and immunity-boosting components. It also has a variety of bioactive substances that improves the body’s antioxidant capacity which boosts immunity.

Curbs cravings

Khichdi helps in digestion, keeps you full for longer and helps you overcome your cravings. Therefore, when you add Khichdi to your diet, you might no longer have bloating, flatulence, or other digestive issues because of the lowered acidity.

Since poor digestion and frequent cravings are two key factors that triggers weight gain, adding “Khichdi” to your daily dait (quantity and frequency depends on person’s age, health issues, lifestyle, gender, etc hence it should be mentioned by your experienced dietician before you try it on your own) – can help you to meet your weight loss goals.

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