Looking for Better Immunity?

food diet to boost immune system

Eat These Vitamin C-based Fruits Says Dietician Avni Kaul

There is a sudden rise in viral or flu cases. The pandemic is still pretty much here while the ongoing cold and viral cases are making it more challenging. The frequently changing weather every now and then doesn’t help either. The only way to keep yourself fit and fine is to boost your immunity. Keeping the immune system in topmost shape is the demand of the hour. Yes, good immunity is always required but more so during these tough times.

Dietician Avni says that apart from good food, one needs to get sufficient sleep, be hydrated, and not take excess stress.  When working in tandem, all of this help you have a better functioning immune system.

Fruits, specifically those that are a rich source of vitamin C, are considered useful when one talks about boosting immunity.

This blog by eminent Indian dietician, Avni Kaul, recommends eating vitamin C-based fruits to enhance your immunity. Vitamin C has antioxidants that boost our immune system. Let us now take a look at some of the fruits which are rich sources of vitamin C.

mausambai orange vitaminc source


A medium orange provides around78% of your vitamin C requirement for the day. Orange juice has 103% of your vitamin C in 3/4th cup. This shouldn’t be surprising since most of you think of oranges when you think of vitamin C. Everyone loves oranges (and their cousin mausambi) since they are affordable, stay in your refrigerator for a while, and are great for having on the go. They are also easily available in winter.


Strawberries are good for you as they are tasty and nutritious. Around half a cup of sliced strawberries provides 54% of your vitamin C needs which means you will get more than your daily need in a single cup. Buying frozen is also a good option because frozen fruit is as nutritious as fresh particularly when strawberry is not in season. You can opt for other versions of berries as well like blueberries or raspberries.


Perhaps not many of you know that kiwi fruit has several nutrients. And one medium-sized kiwi has around 71% of daily vitamin C. If you wish you may eat kiwi as a salad, as smoothies, or even eat them plain. They taste awesome.


Another easily available fruit, Cantaloupe provides 32% of your vitamin C in half a cup or approximately 64% in one cup. Though not as high as compared other fruits on this list, they are a good option too.  Cantaloupes taste delicious by the slice, but their tropical flavor makes them awesome for smoothies and salads too.


Referred to as Chakotra in India, half of a medium grapefruit gives you 43% of your vitamin C needs. Or you can drink 3/4th cup of grapefruit juice for about 78% of your vitamin C. Grapefruits are more versatile than you think. Slice them up in salads or broil them with a little sugar for a sweet treat. One thing to remember is that grapefruit negatively interacts with certain medications, such as cholesterol and blood pressure medicines. So, double-check or consult your physician or dietician before you make grapefruit a part of your daily meal.

Try to include these fruits in your regular diet to boost your immune system.

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