During the summer season, most places in India turn literally into a working oven for the major part of the day. It also brings several issues pertaining to your gastrointestinal health. You need to constantly hydrate, wash your face, or eat cold treats and food in an attempt to beat the scorching Indian summer heat.
Avni says that although summer could be tough to bear, you also get to enjoy the abundance of nature, having access to various seasonal fruits and vegetables. The section in supermarkets or streetside vendors overflows with all sorts of fresh produce. And if you choose organic, particularly since the produce is seasonal, you might find it with no additives or chemicals. So, each time you crave something cool or hydrating, opt for a glass of juice instead of ice candies. You will be making a healthier choice and reducing lots of empty calories from your everyday quota. Here are certain foods that are light and refreshing to consume during the summer, and they are healthy too, says Avni Kaul, India’s top dietician for gastrointestinal health.
Eat them to beat the Indian summer heat and keep yourself healthy.

Sweet and hydrating watermelon is a must-have during summer. Dehydration could lead to various problems, particularly during summer. Watermelons and muskmelons are high in water content that helps you regulate body temperatures. Staying adequately hydrated helps you stay fit and alert and have clear skin. Melons also help with weight loss when added to exercise as the high-water content keeps one satisfied with limited calories.
The health benefits of eating a salad are numerous. From kale, lettuce to sprouts – leafy greens are high in carotenoids which the body transforms into vitamin A. This helps in safeguarding the skin against harmful UV rays. It also helps in mending dry skin by boosting the skin’s defenses against the sun. The best thing about salads is that they can be added to almost anything from fruits to proper meals and still taste delicious.
Summer is a season for all kinds of berries that are high in flavonoids which help your body counter several serious illnesses. Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, Jamun, Phalsa, and Shahtoot are known to be good for blood which regenerates your body and reduces sensitivity to light, making the skin appear brighter with enhanced texture. This could be critical during the tough summer months. Berries are also rich in fibre, around 8 grams each cup.
Fresh juice
Freshly squeezed juice should be a part of a well-rounded summer breakfast. The majority of fruits available during the summer can be enjoyed as juice. Whether it is the citrus taste of oranges and sweet limes or the sugary flavour of watermelons, there is nothing more healthy than drinking a chilled glass of freshly squeezed juice.
The taste of fresh corn on the cob during a peaceful summer evening is incomparable. This handy snack is simply delicious and high in starch. It helps in giving the body lutein and zeaxanthin which are helpful for your eye health and the antioxidants in it help in reducing the risk of forming age-related macular degeneration which is a major factor for causing blindness in older people.
Mangoes are the perfect summer treat. The rich iron content in mangoes helps you increase the calcium content in your body. As a summer fruit, it is refreshing and helps to avoid heat strokes. It is also rich in vitamins A and C which help strengthen the immune system. Also, green mangoes, especially when Aam Panna is made of them, provide instant relief from summer while quenching your thirst.
However, keep in mind to have the ripe mangoes moderately