Reality is periods are no fun at all. For certain women, it is quite simple to pass those five days with hardly any symptoms, while some struggle to carry out their normal routine due to cramps, headache and other symptoms.
Several women take pills and try various home remedies for relief, but Nutritionist Avni Kaul says there is another easy way to deal with the uncomfortable menstrual pain.
You need to make minor alterations to your diet. Besides sufficient intake of water, having some nutrients in your diet can also assist you to get relief from the cramps and pain during the menstrual cycle.
Today, Top Nutritionist and Dietician Avni Kaul talks about the essential nutrients to eat to counter menstrual cramps.
Heavy blood flow can lead to a deficiency of iron or anemia, which can make you feel fogginess, mood swings, and weakness. Iron-deficiency anemia is very common among women belonging to the menstrual age groups and to remain healthy, it is important to increase the iron intake. Add healthy food high in iron like beans, spinach greens, nuts and sunflower seeds in your diet.
Besides cramps and headaches, feeling bloated is one common symptom during menstruation. This can make you feel uncomfortable and turn you irritated. To avoid this situation, eat plenty of fiber throughout your cycle to ensure regularity in your bowel movement. Apples, beans, oats, whole wheat are good sources of fibre.
Magnesium assists in reducing anxiety, sleep problems, headaches and are quite effective in lowering symptoms of menstrual cramps. This nutrient eases the uterine muscles, which is responsible for the cramps. This is another point why most women crave chocolate during their cycles because of its high magnesium content. Have cashews, soybeans, bananas, flax seeds and almonds to get magnesium.
Do remember to increase the consumption of calcium during your period. This nutrient can reduce menstrual cramps, bloating and water retention in your body. Try to consume dairy products like milk, yogurt, and almonds for getting the proper calcium requirement.
Vitamin B
High sources of Vitamin B such as eggs, beans, legumes, green leafy vegetables, nuts, and seeds are some food items you must include in your diet when bleeding. Proper intake of Vitamin B can lower all symptoms of a monthly cycle such as muscle pain, cramping, and fatigue.