Has Anxiety Bothered You Lately?

Refrain from Consuming these Foods to Keep Anxiety Issues in Check – Suggests Nutritionist Avni Kaul

As per WHO (World Health Organization), it is estimated that about 7.5% of Indians suffer from some mental disorder. On the basis of numbers, around 38 million Indians suffer from anxiety disorders.

It has been estimated by WHO that by the end of the year 2021, this data may increase further due to the ongoing pandemic.

Do you know that your food can play a crucial role to prevent this?

Some studies suggest that there is a possible link between your gut microbiome, the bacteria, microbes, and similar organisms in the gut.

Also, there has been a long understanding which states there is a link between poor mental health and nutritional deficiencies.

India’s top Nutritionist and Dietician, Avni Kaul, talks about foods that one needs to refrain from consuming to keep anxiety-related issues under check.

Refined Sugar

Has your dietician or doctor ever told you to skip the dessert table a little more often? Or suggested you steer away from that midnight sweet dish? That may help more than your waistline.

Avni says limiting foods high in added sugar, like the processed foods, sugary beverages, and baked goods help reduce anxiety triggers.

Anxiety could be worsened by specific foods due to their effect on biochemical markers in the body and mind. For instance, levels of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor were seen to be reduced in rats fed a high sugar diet.

Not certain, how to tell if you are eating foods filled with refined sugars? Check the labels in that case.

It is easy now that the nutrition label tells you the difference between total sugars and added sugar in food. So one can see that some of the sugar in foods could be due to natural sources such as fruit or dairy, which are fine, if in moderation.

Artificial Sweeteners and Food Additives

Fast food feels delicious. It also seems to be filled with the kind of chemicals that cause various disruptions in your body functions and worsen symptoms of anxiety. Again it is suggested to check nutrition labels for additives and artificial sweeteners like aspartame, MSG (short for monosodium glutamate), and high fructose corn syrup.

Apart from anxiety, additives and processed foods can also have an impact on digestion, which in turn can fuel anxiety.

“There is a direct linked between the nerves of the stomach and the brain. If someone is having digestive issues, it will typically trigger anxiety. Those having IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and uncontrolled SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) normally have problems with anxiety.


Many people like coffee. It is fairly common for several people to start drinking coffee almost immediately after they get up, and some individuals do not stop until they are getting ready for bed.

There is an actual link between caffeine and our mental health. Excessive caffeine consumption, in particular, has been associated with an increase in self-reported stress, depression, and anxiety.

Caffeine is a natural stimulant to our nervous system due to which caffeine “could trigger symptoms of anxiety-like heart palpitations, agitation, insomnia, and jitteriness.

These are some of the foods which one needs to refrain from consuming if suffering from anxiety.

Further, you may refer to our previous blog which talks about food and nutrients to eat that will counter your anxiety issues at https://nutriactivania.com/essential-nutrients-fight-anxiety-best-nutritionist-in-delhi-avni-kaul/

Sources: https: //pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12088740/ , https: //www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5641835/

**This article has been written by team Nutri Activania**

Special Online Diet Program for Weight Loss and Immune Boosting

Staying fit and developing a strong immune system is the top priority for everyone to protect themselves and their families in these globally critical times. Hence maintaining a healthy body weight, defeat obesity, eating healthy immunity-boosting diets has become the call of the day.

To address some of the issues, India’s top therapeutic Nutritionist and Dietician Avni Kaul and her team of trained and qualified dieticians are going to stay connected with you and with your family that will include-

  • Nutritionist Avni Kaul will do a detailed study of your test reports (during and post- any health recovery) and based on your current physical conditions – a dedicated customized plan would be developed for you and for your family.
  • Regular video diet Counselling with Nutritionist Avni Kaul will monitor your health progress and upgrade your diet will be done.
  • Nutritionist Avni Kaul and her team of trained dieticians will be personally in touch with you to motivate, monitor your daily health progress be it includes weight management or immune-boosting.
  • Easy homemade and healthy recipes would be shared by the dedicated team of dieticians. These recipes will be developed as per your health improvement for weight loss and immune system development and food culture at home.

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