It is the time of the year when monsoon showers are scattered in major parts of India. The cooling effect that these showers have after a scorching summer makes many look forward to a hot cup of tea along with fried pakoras in the rainy weather. But it is time to stop yourself before you eat those.
The rainy season brings respite from the sweltering summer heat but it also brings lots of infections and occasional flu.
Avni says that to enjoy the pleasent weather, it is important you keep yourself guarded against those ailments. So, before you head for your favourite roadside tea stall or more fashionable tea cafe for those fried snacks, read this blog by Delhi’s top dietician Avni Kaul, which speaks specifically about the foods you need to avoid during the monsoon season to stay fit. Here are foods that you need to avoid during the monsoon.

Leafy vegetables
It may sound irrelevant as most of you have grown up listening to numerous benefits of eating leafy vegetables. However, during the monsoon, they are best avoided. The grime and dampness present in them make them hugely susceptible to germs. Say no to vegetables like spinach, cabbage, and cauliflower during this season. Instead opt for pungent vegetables like bitter gourd, bottle gourd, tori, or tinda. Make certain all vegetables are thoroughly rinsed and cooked well.
Fried food
Fried food should be avoided in the rainy season and science backs this too. The humidity in monsoon causes our digestion process to slow down. The thought of pakoras, samosas, and kachori may seem irresistible but they could cause gastronomical complications such as bloating and stomach problems. Extra salted food also causes water retention. It is advised to stay away from street food, particularly items like gol gappas where water is used. The season brings with it numerous bacteria and insects, which could cause severe infection.
Juice or fruit from roadside vendors
Any fresh food product that has had a long exposure to the monsoon air needs to be avoided. Roadside vendors keep the fruits cut up well in advance, which might come in contact with contaminated air. It is better to stick to fresh fruit or its juice prepared at home and consume it instantly. Make sure to not leave cut fruits out for very long at home. Any prolonged exposure to the air could cause contamination. Cut it fresh and eat immediately.
Aerated drinks
Fizzy or aerated drinks reduce minerals in the body which leads to a reduction of enzyme activity. This is quite undesirable with an already weak digestive system. Keep a bottle of water or nimbu paani handy or stick to warm beverages such as ginger tea. Your digestive system will feel good due to this.