Smoothie diet perhaps is one of the most popular weight-loss diets across the world. Over the years, the bottle of smoothie has accompanied many eminent business tycoons, top politicians, CEOs, Gym goers, and homemakers.
The reason why smoothie became so famous is simple. It is quick to prepare, highly nutritious, and delicious. It is a perfect diet for busy people who want to make sure they get all their nutrients.
So what is the truth behind Smoothies diet? Is it really a wonder health drink and a simple and easy alternative to all other weight-loss diets? In this article India’s famous weight loss dietician and nutritionist, Avni Kaul decodes the secrets of a smoothie diet.
Nutritionist Avni Kaul shares that the 21-Days Smoothie Diet was created by Drew Sgoutas. This diet promises weight loss by replacing meals with smoothies but it also has its own sets of disadvantages.

How does the Smoothie diet work?
While following the Smoothie diet, you will drink two* smoothies a day as meal replacements. Your third meal is up to you, but for the best results, it should be low in calories. The smoothie ingredients vary, but it focuses mainly on fruits and vegetables, with some protein and healthy fats. The diet is designed to lower your overall sugar consumption and detox the body.
How Effective is a Smoothie Diet for Weight Loss?
Smoothies are great for burning fat, decreasing the craving for unhealthy food, and losing extra weight in a clean way. A Smoothie Diet with a good personal diet plan can help you to lose a lot of weight but still increase energy, improve your digestion power, decrease bloat, clear mental fog, and help you sleep better.
Challenges of the Smoothie diet
a. Smoothie are high in sugar
When fruits are blended, the natural sugars are released from within the cell walls of the fruit and become free sugars. Free sugars are like any added sugars (including honey) which should be reduced to lower our calorie intake and help weight loss.
b. Sometimes smoothie diet could miss being a balanced diet
Regular fruits and vegetable intake are essential for the body and a smoothie diet is ideal to improve this intake. But apart from fruits and vegetables, the body also needs high fibre, complex carbohydrate, good fat, and protein. That is why a smoothie daily diet plan should be well planned and customized for every person. Otherwise, the diet may do more harm than good.
c. Diet Sustainability is a challenge
Smoothie diet produces good results in most cases in the beginning but replacing meals with liquids and living on very few calories, is not something that people can continue to do for a long time.
Thus in most cases as soon as the person goes back to their regular eating habits and increase their calorie intake, they will gain their lost weight.
Note: keep in mind that this diet should not be started on your own. It requires supervision and guidance by the right healthcare professional. Secondly, this diet is not for children, pregnant and nursing women, and other people with certain health conditions, especially diabetes.
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Talk to the Nutritionist Avni Kaul to know more about Special online diet programs for weight loss and obesity management, Therapeutic Diets for people suffering from Thyroid, Diabetes, Hypertension, PCOD, Irritable Bowel Syndrome.