What to do if you Experience Weight Loss Plateau?

Many times people in their weight loss regimen, all of a sudden, experience no more loss of their body weight, despite following a diet and fitness routine. This phenomenon is termed as weight loss plateau which usually happens after 6 months of following a low-calorie diet and daily exercising.

According to India’s leading Nutritionist and celebrated Dietician Avni Kaul, “when a person suffers a weight loss plateau, the first thing the person should do is to reassure himself/herself that it isn’t necessarily their fault and it is possible to overcome this condition. There is no need to feel demotivated for your diet regimen”.

Nutritionist Avni Kaul adds that there are certain steps to overcome phases of weight loss plateau condition and some of them are:

Weight loss plateaus occur possibly due to the following reasons.

After a certain period of dieting, the body adapts to the weight loss efforts and starts defending itself against further weight loss.

Sometimes the body’s metabolism slows down when people lose weight quickly and with a slower metabolism, further weight loss slows or stops. And sometimes it just happens due to a person’s gradual decline in motivation level and commitment towards the diet.

1. Balance Calories Intake to Support the Right Body Metabolism

Never forget our body needs calories to burn calories and when you decrease the calorie intake, your body lowers its metabolic rate in response.

Hence, if you experience a weight loss plateau consult an experienced nutritionist and check if your body is suffering from a calorie intake inconsistency. There should be enough calories for normal metabolism to function. Under the nutritionist’s guidance, increase your calorie intake to the level where your body metabolism can work properly and it supports your weight loss.

2. Loss of Lean Body Mass

Remember body muscle helps to burn the fat and if you lose muscle, then you’ll burn fewer calories. Lean body mass requires five times as many calories as fat mass. When the lean muscle is lost, your metabolism drops. In response, weight loss will slow or stop.

Thus ensure your diet creates a safe calorie deficit. If your energy level and motivation seem to be dipping, you must consult your nutritionist and take a multivitamin to prevent any nutrient deficiencies.

3. Watching Your Portions

Many times after doing 3-4 months of dieting, people turn less attentive while monitoring their portion size. Thus inaccurate portion size soon results in small and unnoticeable increases in the amount of food going on the plate.

During the weight plateau phase, take extra care for measuring your food intake. Use a digital scale for an accurate reading, especially for produce, meat, and other foods that aren’t easily portioned with measuring cups or spoons.

**This article has been written by team Nutri Activania**

Special Online Diet Program, Designed for Home Quarantine

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