In the ongoing scorching summer, the mercury levels are on a continuous rise, the blazing sun has the potential to drain us out completely. By avoiding this, we are putting our bodies at greater risk.
Nutritionist Avni Kaul says many feel dehydrated during summer months and experiencing low energy level is just a symptom of being hit by it. Hence, it is essential that we should take extra care during this hot season.
From eating right to following some lifestyle changes, we can beat the dangerous impacts of summer.
Today, in this article Delhi’s top dietitian and nutritionist Avni Kaul lists some of the best cooling foods to eat during the Indian summer.
Watermelon, a typical summer fruit comes with a reason. As it contains nearly 91.45% of water, it helps in fulfilling your body’s water requirement. Also, filled with anti-oxidants properties, watermelon gives you a fantastic cooling effect.
Laden with fiber, eating cucumber during summer helps in keeping constipation at bay. Cucumber also has a high amount of water content. So, gorge on this crunchier food and stay cool during the times of hot weather.
This popular herb is easily available with almost all vegetable vendors. Adding mint in curd, raita and chaach will provide you added benefits. You can also make mint chutney, which is a very common thing prepared in almost all Indian kitchens. Mint not only helps to keep your body temperature cool but also gives you a refreshing effect.
Curd is not only appetizing but also provides a coolant effect on the body. You can have curd in different variants too. Make sweet lassi or spicy buttermilk. You can also prepare raita and can have it with your food. Another way to eat curd is by putting some seasonal fruits in it.
Coconut Water
Coconut water is regarded as the best summer drink. This affordable drink is available in almost all fruit shops and stores and is loaded with important vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. It has cooling ingredients that help you fight against the hot weather.
You should not get surprised to know that onions too provide cooling properties. You might have heard that, particularly during the hot summer when Loo wind blows. It is suggested by many elderly people to consume raw onion before leaving home. Similarly, you can add vinegar to the onions as well. Having them raw may ruin your taste, hence mix it with lemon and salt and prepare salads. Another way to eat onion is by adding it in your vegetables, curries, and raita. The red onions are filled with quercetin, which is considered as a natural anti-allergen. Adding onion to your daily diet helps in protecting you against the sun-stroke.
Sattu powder is basically made of roasted black chanas. Sharbat made of sattu is very beneficial. It is a great source of energy and drinking sattu sharbat during summer times will help you to fight against the risks of dehydration and heat stroke.