Winters are already here. Winter brings with it a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. When you visit the grocery during winters, you can see the vibrant colors of the various fruits and vegetables staring back at you.
With a variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables in winter, you need to know which ones are the most beneficial for as far as your health is concerned.
In this article Nutritionist and Dietician Avni Kaul talks about certain fruits and vegetables one should eat in winter.
There is an old saying, which states that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. This is quite realistic when you think about the benefits you avail from consuming an apple. Apples are great for your nervous system. The anti-oxidants in it averts cellular death in the neurons, which improves the performance of the nervous system. The improvement in neurological health from eating apples can also offset the risk of having Alzheimer’s at a later stage in life. Besides this, apples also lower the risk of a thrombotic stroke and also of developing diabetes.
Oranges are probably the most common winter fruit in India. They are easy to carry and eat even in your office. Oranges are a potent source of Vitamin C, which is very essential to remain healthy during the winters.
Pomegranates are also a quite healthy choice of fruit when it comes to the winter season. This fruit is good at battling hypertension by controlling the blood pressure levels in your body. Pomegranates are also a great source of fibre, which can assist with the digestive system. Lastly, the juice of pomegranates is also used to cure the inflammation of joints.
Beets though are always available throughout the year but the freshest produce is present in winter. This vegetable contains a compound that supports in preventing heart disease and liver disease. Apart from these benefits, beets also improve the blood circulation to the brain. Beets are better in winter since they are low in calories and are filled quite densely with nutrients. This makes beets ideal for consumption in the cold weather of winter.
Turnips are also known to be one of the top produces for winter seasons. The green part of a turnip is high in Vitamin A. This promotes good health for your lungs, by restricting lung inflammation and emphysema. Another good effect of turnip consumption is that it can cure kidney stones in certain cases. Unless you have major stone formation, daily turnip intake may reduce the disorder.