While it is pretty common for women are to shed the extra weight prior to their wedding. Grooms also want to look and feel great for their significant day.
Nutritionist Avni Kaul says, unlike women men mostly do not pay attention when it comes to losing weight before the wedding.
With changing times now that perspective is also getting changed. It is important to focus on certain aspects when one wants to reduce weight and healthy nutrition and diet plays a key role in that.
In this article, Delhi’s renowned Nutritionist and Dietitian Avni Kaul shares pre-wedding tips to reduce weight for grooms.
Include, fish in your meal (they also contain omega 3s which are great for burning fat), eggs, and poultry to your meal.
The more you eat proteins, the better your muscles are going to develop. You will look like in good shape on D-Day. Besides, proteins help burn fat and make sure that the weight reduced is due to fat loss and not muscle loss. Apart from fish and eggs, you can also have soya bean, seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, and watermelon seeds).
Healthy Carbs
Consume healthy carbs. There are superior and inferior carbohydrates that have various effects on your body. You can switch between alternate types of carbs. However, make sure that the most part of your carbohydrate is coming from vegetables and not processed food or added sugar. Include bananas, apples, sweet potatoes (Sakarkand) and beets in your diet.
This will help you in the long run. If you are working late at the office and want to have a bite? Opt for a fibrous snack instead of fast food. This will keep you full for a long time and will also not add on extra weight. Simply substituting your snacks with nutrients goes a long way in reducing weight and staying in shape. You can avail your daily fiber from bananas, whole grains, oranges, and carrots.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
You need to add Omega 3 fatty acids in your diet. It is going to make you healthy and fit. It will also help you to detox your internals. You will flush any toxins in your body and it will recharge your body before the wedding day. You can get this source from oils like soybean and seeds such as Rajmah and pumpkin leaves.
Pineapple Juice
Pineapple is a good fat burner. It is known to reduce fat and make your skin glow. You want that perfect photo clicked beside your bride you will need to start drinking some pineapple juice. It will enhance your overall health and will give you a detox. However, don’t add any extra sugar into it. Also, opt for fresh pineapple juice at your own home instead of buying the one with added preservatives from the stores.