Beware these Foods can Make you Feel Sluggish and can Spoil an Important Day

There are days when we need our body and mind to perform at its best, be it’s an important office presentation, entrance examinations for the best college, or an important job interview. An uncontrolled sluggish feeling at that moment can spoil everything.

A sluggish feeling can trigger many mental and biological factors and one of them is diet – YES! The food that we have eaten in the past 24 hours’ can decide our mental alertness level.

Today in this blog, India’s leading Nutritionist and Dietician Avni Kaul tell about the foods that can make you feel sluggish, and low on energy.

Beware of Carb Coma

Avoid eating heavy carbohydrate meals, prior to an important day, hold your temptations to go no limits for your favorite dish, be it rice with fish curry, chicken curry, Punjabi dal makhani, tamarind rice, and others. No doubt these homecooked delicacies contain good nutrients but if you overeat your favorite dish, especially the rice portion, then a Carb Coma may impact your system for the next 12-14 hours.  

Carb coma or carbohydrate the attack is referred to as a situation when you feel very sleeping after having a stomach full of carbohydrate-rich food. Scientifically this happens because stomach produces gastric hormones that trigger the release of digestive juices and the breaking of food into easily digestible particles begins.

The broken-down food then moves to the small intestine. At the same time, the pancreas releases insulin that helps absorb glucose from the carbohydrates in the meal. And finally, the insulin sends tryptophan chemical into the brain that leads to drowsiness.

High Fat Food

Beware of having a high-fat diet to avoid the possibility of a sluggish feeling. High-fat diets like – Ghee rich mutton curries, buttery gravied paneer or chicken, etc as this fat-rich food are more difficult for the body to break down and require a more elaborate digestion process. Hence the body sends more energy to the source of digestion causing the body to feel sleepy and sluggish.

Artificially Sweetened Snacks

On an important day, hold your temptation to have cola or commercially processed fruit drinks as these artificial sweeteners laden drinks suddenly shoot our body insulin levels and disrupt body metabolism. Resulting in an uneasy or sleepy feeling.

Don’t forget Your glass of Water

Today most people work indoors and under an air-conditioned environment, their body does not get enough thirsty to drink an adequate quantity of water. Thus, during an important day, people must ensure they drink enough water and their body properly hydrated. As dehydration is number one of the primary triggers for feeling sluggish.

Potato Chips

Chips are like quintessential snack food and they can please all of your taste buds’ receptors. With having salty, spicy, crunchy, and sweet notes, chips come in various flavors and can make you lose track of how many you are actually consuming. Added with a creamy dip, and it is even more dangerous. Since they do not have any nutrients soon you will feel down on energy. Rather replace chips with healthier options such as dry fruits, nuts, raisins, etc.

**This article has been written by team Nutri Activania.**

Special Online Diet Program, Designed for Home Quarantine

Do anxiety, boredom, and stress from home isolation are causing you sleeplessness, fluctuations in blood pressure and sugar levels, frequent indigestions? Are you worried about your immunity level and weight gain due to the homestay and due to the absence of morning walks and Gym?
Join Nutritionist Avni Kaul’s special online diet program, designed to keep you fit, reach weight loss goals and boost your immunity while you stay during the home isolation. To know more and book your online appointment, call 9953228642.

Talk to the Nutritionist Avni Kaul to know more about Special online diet programs for weight loss and obesity management, Therapeutic Diets for people suffering from Thyroid, Diabetes, Hypertension, PCOD, Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

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