Working from home, getting groceries and essentials delivered, losing track of dates and avoiding going out at all costs – that’s been the agenda for most of us during those last 40 days,
While the lockdown might have eased a little now, we do need to take measured steps to ensure our safety and be vigilant with our new found freedom.
Renowned Dietician and Nutritionist Avni Kaul today shares tips on how you can reach weight loss goals, make most of the lockdown, and the days beyond it while staying safe from Coronavirus. Avni also answers some of the important questions related to online diet programs like – are online diet programs safe? Are they effective and possible to follow?
1. Make sure your online nutrition and diet program involves your expert nutritionist as a friend and guide. Remember an effective nutrition and diet program involves strict monitoring by an expert nutritionist. Hence, prior to enrolling in an online diet program, talk to the nutritionist. Ask how frequently he/she will be conducting a video call with you and how she will be conducting the program.
2. Make sure your dietician and nutritionist note your current physical and medical records prior to prescribing you a personalized diet program. She should be noting your current weight, height, age, blood pressure level, blood sugar levels, note any health issues, etc.
3. Make sure you choose from the best – do your online search effectively, then remember that the internet can help you find the best nutritionist around the world and choose according to your preferences and convenience. Hence, do a good Google search on what her blog says, how media mentions her, how effective the nutritionist is as a thought leader in her field.
4. Remember, unlike Gym and the fitness training center, a nutritionist guided online diet program doesn’t need you to go anywhere. You can effectively gain a healthy body and mind, and reach your weight loss goal in a healthy way – while staying indoors. Hence utilize your lockdown time and social distancing phase effectively to reach a healthy body with an effective online diet program – that suits you the best. Don’t wait to talk to a good nutritionist today to find out more about the programs.
Article by Team Nutriactivania
To Check Online Diet Plans by Nutritionist Avni Kaul Click Here
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