Body heat is one of the most common conditions that bother people across the world. Before you start, it is important to define body heat in order to be aware of this specific health condition. It is more commonly known as “heat stress”. A common reason for body heat is exposure to high temperatures that are not suitable for the body. The normal temperature of the body ranges between 36.5–37.5 degrees Celsius.
Nutritionist Avni Kaul says the inability of the body to cool down and get back into the normal range refers to body heat. For those who are pondering how to lower body heat, it is critical to identify the symptoms that indicate this uneasy state of the body. These include sleeplessness, a kind of burning sensation in the eyes, uneasiness in the stomach, ulcers, digestion issues like acidity and gas. In a few people, it can impact the heart rate, leading to a rapid heartbeat among several other symptoms.
There are several causes of body heat. Living in places with extreme temperatures, exposure to heatwave is not uncommon. When individuals do not take the needed precautions to avoid suffering from dehydration, it can lead to a fatal condition called as a heat stroke. In this condition, people are not able to control their body temperature and fever rises uncontrollably.
This could be life-threatening if not checked at an early stage. Surprisingly, the clothes that you wear play an important role in maintaining your body temperature. Clothes that are of synthetic trap moisture and it led to high body temperature. A more serious issue is the thyroid gland that becomes more active and changes the temperature of the body. Prolonged fever or infections are also predominant reasons for high body heat. Certain neurological disorders and medicines that are not prescribed by doctors also cause this condition as well.
Eating hot and spicy food is one of the contributing factors that give rise to heat. So people who are consuming oily and fried food must be careful.
In this article, Delhi’s top Nutritionist and Dietitian Avni Kaul talks about ways to reduce body heat with food.
High Consumption Of Water
Water has the ability to cool down the body. You can consume or dip your feet in a bucket of cold water to keep body temperature under control.
Drink Coconut Water
Drinking coconut water can be beneficial in a couple of ways. Firstly, it is a kind of fluid and thus is a water-based drink. Secondly, it is rich in minerals and vitamins that are crucial in cooling down your body.
Mint Leaves
You might be aware, mint better known as pudina leaves, has a fantastic cooling effect. It is a spice that can be added to any drink, like the lemonade and produce the needed cooling effect.
Vegetables And Fruits
Almost every health food is insistent on eating fruits and vegetables like Karela, cucumber, Tori, watermelon, pineapple, and peach. All of them are extremely high in water and have a nourishing effect. However, watermelon must be consumed in the first half of the day as it is rich in fiber. Eating it in the latter half of the day might not be good for your stomach.
Drinking Chaach will help to cool down your body and improve metabolism. It is also full of probiotics, vitamins, and minerals that will help to restore your body’s natural energy if you are feeling drained by the body heat
It may surprise you. Eating spicy food can make you feel warm, but it can also help to reduce your body temperature. This is because the capsaicin in chilies sends a signal to the brain to signal that your body is overheated. This makes you sweat more than normal and brings on a cooling effect.