Are You Feeling Tired, have Back Pains, and Stomach Bloating these days?

Beware Your Missing Glass of Water Could be the Culprit

The winter has finally arrived in northern India along with a strong hope for soon to be releasing vaccine for COVID-19. Most of us are expecting a better 2021 that would let us leave the painful 2020 behind.

During this time with so much happening around us, India’s leading dietician and nutritionist Avni Kaul warns everyone not to forget to drink their daily dose of water.

Nutritionist Avni Kaul adds that water is often called the “forgotten nutrient” as a large population of today’s city dwellers often forget to drink an adequate amount of water every day.  This happens especially in winters as a dip in the temperature reduces the body’s thirst levels and suppresses regular symptoms of dehydration. Sometimes people suffer early symptoms of body dehydration like muscle spasms, increased breathing rate, and delirium for an extended period of time.

In today’s blog, Nutritionist Avni Kaul shares the early symptoms of body dehydration that will help you know if it’s time to increase your glass of water and NOT to go for antacids, painkillers, or muscle pain gels.

1. Heartburn:

The most common symptoms of drinking less water is getting frequent heartburn and acidity.

2. Fatigue:

Lack of water is the number one trigger of fatigue. Even mild dehydration – as little as a one-two percent loss of your body water – can sap your energy and make you tired. That’s because muscles need a proper electrolyte-water balance in the body to function properly.

3. Constipation:

Poor bowel movement is another symptom of the lack of adequate water in the body.  Less water in the body clogs up the system and builds up toxins. Also when the body doesn’t get enough water, it soaks water from food in the digestive system leading to constipation.

4. Joint pains:

Remember cartilages in the body are made of about 95% water. Thus drop in body water triggers the cartilage to go brittle and hampers their ability to function properly. This increases friction in the joints, resulting in joint deterioration and pain.

5. Frequent headache:

Dehydration is a major factor for headaches and migraines. When the body starts to get dehydrated, the blood volume starts to drop which in turn lowers the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. Dehydration can also cause brain tissues to lose water causing your brain to shrink and pull away from the skull. This triggers the pain receptors surrounding the brain, giving you a headache.

6. Bloating:

When we don’t drink enough water, the body starts retaining extra water to compensate for this shortage. This water is often stored in extracellular spaces and shows up as bloated face, hands, legs, and feet. So, to eliminate water retention we need to drink more fluid instead of less.

**This article has been written by team Nutri Activania**

Special Online Diet Program, Designed for Home Quarantine

Do anxiety, boredom, and stress from home isolation are causing you sleeplessness, fluctuations in blood pressure and sugar levels, frequent indigestions? Are you worried about your immunity level and weight gain due to the homestay and due to the absence of morning walks and Gym?
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